La Mitjana Park

It is the real jewel in Lleida’s eco­lo­gical crown is La Mitjana, an ama­zing water park de­cla­red an Area of Na­tu­ral In­terest in 1979. The uni­que mi­cro­cli­ma­te has crea­ted the per­fect en­vi­ron­ment for the emer­gen­ce of a leafy ri­ver wo­odland with a wide range of flo­ra in­clu­ding poplar, elder, ash, willow, a va­riety of shrubs, ta­ma­risk trees and bramble, water-lilies, reeds, yellow iri­ses and bul­rus­hes. The­se in turn pro­vide a rich habitat for a va­rie­ty of fau­na. Furthermore, in the leisure area, we find the Interpretation Center La Mitjana offering guided tours and houses a permanent exhibition and the audiovisual of the park.

In the leisure area we can find the Centre d'Interpretació de la Mitjana which offers guided tours and a permanent exhibition combined with an audiovisual.


Phone: 973 232 559
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