Castle of the Templar Knights of Gardeny

The historical complex at Gar­deny is one of the most im­pres­sive examples of Knights Templar architecture in Ca­ta­lonia du­ring the second half of the 12th cen­tury.

Though ex­ten­sive mo­di­fi­ca­tion during the 17th and 18th centuries chan­ged the la­yout of the former Medieval complex, many ele­ments of the original structure still survive. Perimeter walls flanked by towers su­rround an inner spa­ce housing a number of buil­dings arranged around a cen­tral courtyard.

The­se buil­dings include the living quar­ters, a solid two-storey tower with se­veral rooms, sto­ra­ge buil­dings, residential quar­ters and the Homage Tower. To one si­de is the Ro­ma­nesque Chur­ch of San­ta Ma­ria de Gar­deny, a sin­gular building of great de­vo­tio­nal sig­nificance in its day.

Free entry for groups with guide

Duration: 1h15’

Meeting Point: Castle parking area.

For further information


Ciutats amb caràcter Moturisme Interreg Poctefa Inno4agro Ciudades Ave Renfe