Art Centre La Panera

The Art Centre of La Panera is a cul­tu­ral fa­ci­lity that offers an op­por­tu­ni­ty to keep up with the most re­cent de­ve­lo­p­ments in art through a se­ries of ex­hi­bi­tio­ns and ac­ti­vi­ty pro­gra­m­mes.

A com­mit­ment to su­pport and pro­mote con­temporary art is bac­ked up with guided visits for every­body and free access to a spe­cia­lized reference li­bra­ry housed in the Document Cen­tre.

The Centre’s work is foun­ded on the conviction that con­tem­po­rary art re­pre­sents an es­sen­tial key to un­ders­tan­ding the world we live in and the pro­ble­ms and is­sues that affect it, not only in terms of artistic creation but also throug­hout society at lar­ge.

At the same time, the Cen­tre is designed as a pla­tform for the creation and ex­hibition of the visual arts in Spain, with a view to building bridges bet­ween vi­sual crea­tivity and the creativity ori­gi­nating from other cultural fields.

The Old Corn Exchange and Market

The building that houses the Art Centre of La Panera dates back to the Con­su­late period of the 12th and 13th centuries, one of the most pros­perous episodes in Me­dieval Llei­da.

El Almodí, as the building was then known, was the city’s trading house and the pla­ce where many goods we­re tra­ded, such as cereals, oil and grapes. The original co­lo­n­na­de from the Me­dieval building, a line of 21 stone columns rising to a height of 5.7 metres, still sur­vives.

In 1606, El Almodí was ac­quired by the Ca­thedral Canons, who en­clo­sed it within a pe­ri­me­ter wall and built another floor above the ori­ginal colonnade, giving the buil­ding the form it has today. It was used to store and sell the pro­du­ce co­llected by the Canons, hen­ce its present name, La Pa­ne­ra dels Canonges (The Canons’ Pan­try).

With the seizure of the mo­nas­te­ries in 1835 it pas­sed into the hands of the Paeria, or local go­vernment, which offe­red it to the army. In 1860 it be­ca­me the ca­val­ry barracks, and was sub­se­quen­tly used as a po­lice sta­tion before being re­tur­ned to the Pae­ria at the end of the 1980s. The decision was taken to turn it into an art centre, and recent re­fur­bish­ment work has re­vea­led the Medieval co­lo­n­na­de in all its glo­ry.


2 Panera Square
Phone: 973 262 185 

Opening Hours

Entrance fee

Free entry


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