Aplec del Caragol de Lleida (Snail Festival)

The Aplec del Caragol, or Snail Festival, takes place at the end of May and marks the end of this busy month. Declared a Festival of National Interest for Tourism and a Traditional Festival of National Interest, the Snail Festival is the city’s most popular festival and one of the most important leisure-gastronomic ce­le­bra­tio­ns in Catalonia. Camps Elisis Park is the scenario of a three-day snail-eating feast, where 12,200 participatings in 100 social clubs stake out their separate plots of land and settle down to eat more than 12 tonnes of snails.

Many delicious menus and suc­culent snail specialities are avai­lable for visitors in the restaurant area at reasonable prices. Ori­gi­nal competitions such as snail races, and more traditional ones such as allioli (sauce) hand made, together with the constant presence of bands marching in the streets, create an animated atmosphere that spreads throughout the city.

Thou­sands of visitors from all over come to join the fun. The parade of the social clubs on the last day of the festival is a lively affair, especially as it cros­ses Pont Vell bridge. The week before the festival, the social clubs also organize a number of different cultural events.


Fecoll - 2 Obradors Street
Phone: 973 281 473



Ciutats amb caràcter Moturisme Interreg Poctefa Inno4agro Ciudades Ave Renfe