May Festival

The May Festival is celebrated on 11 May every year in honour of Sant Anastasi, a Roman sol­dier who was born in Lleida and martyred in Badalona by order of Emperor Diocletian in the year AD 303.

The wide range of po­pu­lar ac­ti­vities includes the spec­tacular floral offering and the battle of the flowers, both of whi­ch are held on 11 May.

A parade is held on the Rambla de Ferran with many floats from which people throw confetti and streamers at the public. Another attraction is the ubiquitous pre­sence of the emblematic dragon, Lo Marraco, and the oldest pair of giants in Catalonia, Marc An­tonio and Cleo­patra, which were made in 1840.

The festa major ends just as co­lo­ur­fully as it began, with a spec­ta­cular fireworks dis­play.


Culture Department -  64 Blondel Avenue
Phone: 973 700 393 - 973 700 394



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