Moors & Christians Festival

With the Moors and Christians Festival, the city has proudly re­covered a lost tradition that da­tes from the 12th century.

The Festival starts on Saturday in la Paeria square in order to finish on Sunday with the last battle.

On Sunday morning, child’s pro­cession take place and then pre­sented the Lleida’s Band playing traditional music. In the af­ter­no­on the groups of Moors and Chris­tians are joined in the Seu Vella to parade with their co­lor­ful uniforms in the main streets. Before nightfall, they start a sa­tirical speech that cau­se a ver­bal confrontation that follows the spectacular batt­le, with the incomparable fra­mework of the Seu Vella, the castle that crowns the city as a backdrop.

In Sep­t­ember, they also recreate the ceremony and banquet for the royal wedding of Ramon Be­ren­guer IV and Pe­tronilla, in the hill of the Seu Vella.


Associació de la Festa de Moros i Cristians

1 Panera St.

Phones: 625 349 621 - 625 351 363



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