Marian Academy

Ever since it was founded in 1862, the Marian Academy has been a powerful symbol for the city. The large building itself is of extraordinary size and value, with its Neoclassical façade on which six crests stand out. In­si­de the building there are artistic treasures everywhere you look: the Noucentiste ves­tibule de­co­rated with Greek marble, the im­perial stairway, the theatre and, naturally, the chapel.

The Sistine Chapel of Marian Art

The chapel has been nic­k­na­med the Sistine Chapel of Ma­rian Art owing to the 300 m2 of frescos dating from 1871 that decorate the chapel. They are uniques, not only for their ar­tis­tic va­lue, but also because this is the only place in the world whe­re the whole life of the Vir­gin Mary is presented in ar­tis­tic form. The chapel, in Flo­ren­tine Gothic style, is pre­sided over by the figure of the White Virgin. The white statue was sculpted from the wood of a linden tree, and its colour was the origin of the name of the Patron Saint of Lleida. Ano­ther important feature of this small sanctuary is its co­llec­tion of wrought iron. Besides being the most complete co­llec­tion in the city, it is unique for being the work of Antoni Guerra, con­sidered the best 20th-century artist in his field.


17 Acadèmia St.


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