Sant Llorenç Church

This church, which acted as the diocesan seat on two separate occasions, was originally built in the Romanesque style, though it includes later Gothic additions and ornamentation.

Regarded as the most important religious buil­ding after the Seu Vella, it has a nave and two aisles, all of the same heig­ht, and three ap­ses. The Ro­ma­nes­que central nave is the oldest, while the two aisles, along with the side cha­pels and oc­ta­go­nal bell tower, which was restored in 2002, are in the Gothic style (15th century).

Work on the original building, whi­ch began at the end of the 12th century, was carried out by sculp­tors and craftsmen who had wor­ked with master ar­chi­tect Pere de Coma on the Seu Vella. The church houses some important Gothic al­tarpieces, the largest dedicated to Sant Llo­renç himself. Others are de­di­ca­ted to Santa Ursula (at­tri­bu­ted to Jaume Cas­ca­lls), Sant Pere and Santa Llúcia. Other im­por­tant works of art in­clu­de a statue of the Verge dels Fillols that ori­ginally stood in the Seu Vella, and Santa Maria de la Can­de­le­ra, a 15th cen­tury Gothic pie­ce showing Sant Blas attributed to the painter Mateu Ferrer. The church also houses the tomb of Ramon de Tàrrega and the fi­gu­re of Sant Crist Trobat restored by Jaume Perelló. The Gothic door overlooking the Plaza Sant Josep carries the coat of arms of Be­ren­guer de Gallart.


Plaça de Sant Josep, 6

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