The New Cathedral

The New Cathedral was built bet­ween 1761 and 1781 with en­do­w­ments from the people of Lleida, King Carlos III and Bishop Joa­quín Sánchez. Built in the ba­ro­que style with hints of Fren­ch academic classicism, the main entrance is topped with the coat of arms of the Borbon fa­mi­ly.

A staircase leads to three ar­ched doorways fitted with iron gates and flanked on each side by towers. Inside, the nave and two aisles are lined with slim Corin­thian columns su­pporting roun­ded arches. The choir, crea­ted in the Baroque style by Lluís Bo­nifas Massó, was destroyed du­ring the Spanish Ci­vil War (1936).

The Cathedral houses a sculp­tu­re by Josep Obiols of Our Lady of Montserrat, the patron of Ca­talonia, whom pilgrims visit on 27 April each year. Also ce­le­bra­ted on 2 Fe­brua­ry each year is the feast of the Verge del Blau (or Bruised Virgin), named be­cau­se of the damage done when its sculptor, finding that his appren­tice had completed the work to a higher artistic stan­dard than his own, threw a ha­m­mer at the finished work.

The New Cathedral is also home to the Chapter Archive, re­garded as the richest ec­cle­sias­tical ar­chive in Catalonia, with a co­llec­tion of more than 13,000 books, 16,000 parchments and a huge number of codices and ear­ly ma­nus­cripts. One of the jewels in the collection is the Lleida Bi­ble, an historic illuminated co­dex and the largest of the an­cient Spa­nish bibles in exis­ten­ce. The­re is also a periodicals library, a music archive and a collection of maps and pho­to­gra­phs.


Plaça de la Catedral
Phone: 973 269 470

Opening Hours

  • Monday to Saturday: 9.30-13.00 and  17.30-19.00
  • Sundays and holidays: 09.30-13.00 and 17.30 -20.30

Cathedral Archive Opening Hours

  • From Monday to Friday. 09.00-13.00

Entrance fee

Free entry


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