The Paeria Palace

The Palau de la Paeria is the seat of the city’s government.

The building has two main faça­des; one of Medieval style looks out over Plaça Paeria, while the other, a 1929 neo-Medieval re­mo­de­lling of the neoclassical struc­ture, over­looks the River Se­gre. Built in the 13th century, it was given to the city by the Sanaüja family in 1383. The Pae­ria is the name given to Lleida City Council and it de­ri­ves from the term paer (from the Latin pacia­ri or man of pea­ce), an honour conferred in 1264 by King Jau­me I.

Our Lady of the Paers 

The Paeria’s grand chamber houses a 15th century Gothic altarpiece (1451 to 1454) which originally adorned the altar in the old chapel. It shows Mary flanked by Archangels Gabriel and Michael and surrounded by four “paers”. (Room closed to the public, visitable with arranged visits). Mary, surrounded by the four paers, symbolises protection of the city government.

The Dungeon

The city’s jail was housed in the basement in 1486, with se­parate cells for men and wo­men. La Morra was the name given to the chamber used to house pri­so­ners who had been con­dem­ned to death, and gra­ffiti carved by inmates during the 16th and 17th centuries can still be seen on the walls representing crucifixion and keys, as symbols of religious devotion and the deprival of freedom.

The City Archive

The treasures held in the City Archive include a 14th-century Usage Book, the Cabinet of Pri­vileges (a magnificent Ba­ro­que cabinet) and, of par­ti­cu­lar in­ter­est, the Carta Pobla or People’s Charter, the first cons­titution for the citizens of Lleida, dating from 1150.


Plaça Paeria
Phone: 973 700 300

Opening Hours

  • Mondays to Saturdays: 11.00-14.00 and 17.00-20.00
  • Sundays and holidays: 11.00-14.00

Entrance fee

Free entry


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